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Finding all-natural ways to deal with pain is a top priority for people who deal with chronic pain but want to limit the amount of drugs they take. Acupuncture is one method of pain relief that has seen wonderful results. This ancient practice is finding new popularity in mainstream pain treatment. According to the World Health Organization, more than 5 billion people use traditional medicine for the treatment of pain and other conditions. Keep reading to learn more about this practice performed by acupuncture doctors.
Acupuncture is the ancient practice of placing thin, flexible needles at trigger points throughout the body. This practice can reduce pain and stimulate healing. It comes from ancient Chinese medicine and is said to restore the normal flow of “qi,” or the energy that flows through our bodies.
Once normal qi flow has been restored, you will experience improved medical conditions and pain. Although most Western medical models don’t accept the idea that energy flows in the body, modern medicine does accept the idea that acupuncture has a distinct effect on the nervous system, which consists of a system of electric pulses flowing through the body.
Acupuncture doctors believe that by using this practice, you can redirect the flow of energy if it is out of sync. This practice can send messages to the brain and activate the body’s own healing response. You are basically resetting the energy flow so that the body will redirect energy to where healing needs to take place.
Acupuncture doctors will ask you about the types of pain you are experiencing or health and wellness conditions you need to work on. Even mental health issues can be addressed with acupuncture. After your consultation, you are instructed to lie down on a table and the specialist will place tiny needles in specific trigger points for the intentions you have. The needles normally stay in place for 10 to 20 minutes as you are instructed to relax.
Acupuncture is often used for back pain, fibromyalgia, neck pain, arthritis, headaches, migraines, and even for some side effects of cancer treatments. This type of treatment can also be used for other issues such as mental health issues, obesity, and fatigue. You may be surprised by just how much relief acupuncture can offer!
Now that you better understand this practice, you may be interested in getting started with an acupuncture doctor. You've come to the right place! Call EW Natural Healing Acupuncture PC today to get started!
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